You should definitely check out the video as they really have done an awesome job!
Nat who helped create the tutorial was also kind enough to provide the source code which I have included below, which will help you follow the video.
import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * # Set up the colours BLACK = (0,0,0) WHITE = (255,255,255) window_width = 400 window_height = 300 display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width,window_height)) fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock() fps = 40 # Number of frames per second class Game(): def __init__(self,line_thickness=10,speed=5): self.line_thickness = line_thickness self.speed = speed self.score = 0 #Initiate variable and set starting positions #any future changes made within rectangles ball_x = int(window_width/2 - self.line_thickness/2) ball_y = int(window_height/2 - self.line_thickness/2) self.ball = Ball(ball_x,ball_y,self.line_thickness, self.line_thickness,self.speed) self.paddles = {} paddle_height = 50 paddle_width = self.line_thickness user_paddle_x = 20 computer_paddle_x = window_width - paddle_width - 20 self.paddles['user'] = Paddle(user_paddle_x, paddle_width, paddle_height) self.paddles['computer'] = AutoPaddle(computer_paddle_x, paddle_width, paddle_height, self.ball, self.speed) self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(0) #Draws the arena the game will be played in. def draw_arena(self): display_surf.fill((0,0,0)) #Draw outline of arena pygame.draw.rect(display_surf, WHITE, ((0,0),(window_width,window_height)), self.line_thickness*2) #Draw centre line pygame.draw.line(display_surf, WHITE, (int(window_width/2),0), (int(window_width/2),window_height), int(self.line_thickness/4)) def update(self): self.ball.move() self.paddles['computer'].move() if self.ball.hit_paddle(self.paddles['computer']): self.ball.bounce('x') elif self.ball.hit_paddle(self.paddles['user']): self.ball.bounce('x') self.score += 1 elif self.ball.pass_computer(): self.score += 5 elif self.ball.pass_player(): self.score = 0 self.draw_arena() self.ball.draw() self.paddles['user'].draw() self.paddles['computer'].draw() self.scoreboard.display(self.score) class Paddle(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self,x,w,h): self.x = x self.w = w self.h = h self.y = int(window_height / 2 - self.h / 2) #Creates Rectangle for paddle. self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) #Draws the paddle def draw(self): #Stops paddle moving too low if self.rect.bottom > window_height - self.w: self.rect.bottom = window_height - self.w #Stops paddle moving too high elif < self.w: = self.w #Draws paddle pygame.draw.rect(display_surf, WHITE, self.rect) #Moves the paddle def move(self,pos): self.rect.y = pos[1] class AutoPaddle(Paddle): def __init__(self,x,w,h,ball,speed): super().__init__(x,w,h) self.ball = ball self.speed = speed def move(self): #If ball is moving away from paddle, center bat if self.ball.dir_x == -1: if self.rect.centery < int(window_height/2): self.rect.y += self.speed elif self.rect.centery > int(window_height/2): self.rect.y -= self.speed #if ball moving towards bat, track its movement. elif self.ball.dir_x == 1: if self.rect.centery < self.ball.rect.centery: self.rect.y += self.speed else: self.rect.y -= self.speed class Ball(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self,x,y,w,h,speed): self.x = x self.y = y self.w = w self.h = h self.speed = speed self.dir_x = -1 ## -1 = left 1 = right self.dir_y = -1 ## -1 = up 1 = down self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) #draws the ball def draw(self): pygame.draw.rect(display_surf, WHITE, self.rect) #moves the ball returns new position def move(self): self.rect.x += (self.dir_x * self.speed) self.rect.y += (self.dir_y * self.speed) #Checks for a collision with a wall, and 'bounces' ball off it. if self.hit_ceiling() or self.hit_floor(): self.bounce('y') if self.hit_wall(): self.bounce('x') def bounce(self,axis): if axis == 'x': self.dir_x *= -1 elif axis == 'y': self.dir_y *= -1 def hit_paddle(self,paddle): if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self,paddle): return True else: return False def hit_wall(self): if ((self.dir_x == -1 and self.rect.left <= self.w) or (self.dir_x == 1 and self.rect.right >= window_width - self.w)): return True else: return False def hit_ceiling(self): if self.dir_y == -1 and <= self.w: return True else: return False def hit_floor(self): if self.dir_y == 1 and self.rect.bottom >= window_height - self.w: return True else: return False def pass_player(self): if self.rect.left <= self.w: return True else: return False def pass_computer(self): if self.rect.right >= window_width - self.w: return True else: return False class Scoreboard(): def __init__(self,score=0,x=window_width-150,y=25,font_size=20): self.score = score self.x = x self.y = y self.font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', font_size) #Displays the current score on the screen def display(self,score): self.score = score result_surf = self.font.render('Score = %s' %(self.score), True, WHITE) rect = result_surf.get_rect() rect.topleft = (self.x, self.y) display_surf.blit(result_surf, rect) #Main function def main(): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('Pong') pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) # make cursor invisible game = Game(speed=4) while True: #main game loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # mouse movement commands elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: game.paddles['user'].move(event.pos) game.update() pygame.display.update() fps_clock.tick(fps) if __name__=='__main__': main()
Great Article
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